Monday, January 30, 2012

Five Danger Signs Of Long Distance Relationship You Should Watch Out For

Will it or will it not work ? Often, it's a dilemma faced by couple, deeply in love with each other, but lives miles apart. Undoubtedly, people in  long distance relationships, need to do more. In order, to keep everything alive and lasting.

However, like any other relationships, one should be wary of some signs that foretell the romance could be heading nowhere but downward.

Five Danger Signs That Your Long Distance Relationship Could Be In Danger :

1. Succumbing To Negative Comments

As if being miles away from each other isn’t enough, a long distance relationship is also prone to negative comments from people around you.

Things like, the relationship itself is not going anywhere, will always plague you or your loved one could be cheating.

Once you succumb to these, you will only begin to surrender fighting for the relationship and look for someone else who’s physically around.

Sometimes also, the reason why you’re buying all these notions is that you need an easy way out of the long distance romance.

2. Dwindling Enthusiasm

Keeping the fire burning constantly, sure could be tough in  a long distance relationship. But fortunately, for both of you, advances in technology. Particularly the internet, makes it somewhat easier.

However, if the availability of such technology. Still could not prevent you, from growing less and less enthusiastic of the relationship. By the time, you know it. There’s something wrong.

It is said that distance makes the heart grow fonder. But if your heart starts wandering around and longing for your loved ones, getting less and less. Then maybe, you’re no longer, passionate about the relationship.

3. Constant Suspicions Or Investigations 

Of course, being separated from each other. Makes the two of you, susceptible to temptations. And this is, where trust comes in, very importantly.

Frequent questioning and nagging with each other, about things like secretly dating someone else or not being a hundred percent true to each other. Can really get on your nerves – especially if none of it, is true.

Or it’s also possible you’re projecting your very own shortcomings, towards your loved ones from miles away. If distrust seems to grow more and more intense by the day. It’s time for a long heart to heart talk, to know the real score.

4. Going for A Temporary Replacement

Letting someone else into your life as a temporary replacement, for your loved one who’s not physically around is a huge mistake. Sometimes, this may be done unintentionally, but sometimes it’s done deliberately.

By doing this, even secretly, you’re breaking the trust, confidence, and potentially, the heart of your partner from afar.

If keeping yourself diverted at all costs, still makes you long for a physical replacement. Then you know, you’re in a shaky long distance relationship. Once you begin to notice someone else, nearby is catching your attention or fancy. Maybe, it’s time to re-evaluate things.

5. Frequent Misinterpretation Of Each Other

Couples who are next to each others, sometimes misinterpret one another’s thoughts, words or actions. What more than those, who are oceans apart?

Frequent misinterpretation of each other, can mean a lot of things. It can be days, months or years of being apart, make you less and less familiar with each other’s ways. It can be you’re beginning to have some form of distrust on your loved one.

Misinterpretations are, once in a while, pretty much normal. But if it happens every time, when you both get to communicate with one another. It can mean the two of you, begin to feel more like strangers instead.

If one or more of the five signs mentioned above, begin to show up. It’s best to talk about it, with your special someone right away.

Honesty and trusts are two important elements in a relationship, especially in the long distance kind. Through immediate dealing with problems, the relationship can be saved and perhaps, even strengthened all the more.

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